مـنـتـديـآتـ(آلحلآوه بآلشقآوه)
مـنـتـديـآتـ(آلحلآوه بآلشقآوه)
مـنـتـديـآتـ(آلحلآوه بآلشقآوه)
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

آهلآ وسسسهلآ بـــــ(ك)ــم فـــيــ مـنـتـديـاتـ(آلحلآوه بآلشقآوه)
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
آآآآآلسسســـلام شـــخبـــآآركــم شـــ(ع)ـــلومككوم ؟؟ اذآآ كنت زآآآ1ئر آآركض /....هذآ اذآ عندك رجـــلين هع هع هع وســجل فــي مـــنــــتدآآنآآ أنــط(م) وخلـــ*_*نـي اــكــمل خخخخخ!! رآآح تلــقى ب(منتدآآ)نا الاسسسســــتهــــبـــآآل الشــــقآآوــهـ لـــكــن فــيـه ـشــقآآوتـــنا حـدؤود وــلها شــروط هـــي/....... 1_يمـــنع الاشششهآر منعآآآ بــآآتآآ 2- يمنع وضــع الـــصور الخـــأدشه للحيــآء 3-يمنع الاششــهآر بالرســـائل ال(خ)ـــأصــهــ 4-يــمــنع استخدام الاســـمــآع المقآآطعـهـ للاســـلــاممثل/....شيطآآن 5-نسيت اــهــم شي/.....للبنآآآت فقطــ 6-مــــعـــآآآرضه -,,,,,,المديــرآآـت و/...الكمشرفات والـــخ الـــــــــخ 7-لا آآآحلـــلل مــــــن قآآطع هــذي الشــــرؤط
سلام علــيكم ورحــمة الله وبـركاته : أخواني وأخواتـي الأعــضاء تم والحمدلله أضافة نقاط التقييم من ظمن المواضيع الجديده والردود على المواضيع كل قسم حسب ماهو موضح امامه ودمتم سـالمين /الأداره


 آخر خبر عن ديمي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
å7ℓå ЙờỞờƒ «¬
å7ℓå ЙờỞờƒ «¬

عدد المساهمات : 586
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/09/2010
العمر : 23
الموقع : جميع نجوم ديزني

آخر خبر عن ديمي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: آخر خبر عن ديمي   آخر خبر عن ديمي Icon_minitime1الجمعة نوفمبر 26, 2010 9:43 am


آخر خبر عن ديمي S-DEMI-LOVATO-REHAB-large

NEW YORK — Demi Lovato, one of Disney's biggest names, checked herself into a treatment center to deal with "emotional and physical issues," her representatives said in a statement Monday night.

The statement did not specify the 18-year-old's problems, but said Lovato checked herself into a facility to address the concerns.

A person familiar with the situation previously told The Associated Press that Lovato entered treatment for problems including an eating disorder and cutting herself. The person, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly due to the sensitivity of the matter, later clarified the statement, saying Lovato had dealt with those issues in the past.

Lovato, who is star of Disney's "Camp Rock" movies and the sitcom "Sonny With a Chance," was on an international tour as a special guest of the Jonas Brothers, but left the tour over the weekend to enter an undisclosed facility, according to the statement.

"Demi has decided to take personal responsibility for her actions and seek help," the statement said. "She is doing just that. Demi and her family ask that the media respect her privacy during this difficult time."

In a 2009 interview with The Associated Press, Lovato, who has also released several records, said she had to leave middle school at one point because she was bullied so badly.

"It was more verbal harassment than physical abuse, but that's actually more scarring than anything," she said. "And I had to leave because I just couldn't deal with it. And I've home-schooled ever since."

Lovato was linked earlier this year to Joe Jonas, her "Camp Rock" co-star, but the two later broke up and said they remained friends.

Her rep said Lovato regretted not finishing the tour but "is looking forward to getting back to work in the near future."

آخر خبر عن ديمي Demi-lovato-cutting-again

and she cute her hand trying to Suicide But thatdidn't workout she ever deleted her twitter acount just that she wouldn't be under the paparzi fotage

i hope that demi could come back she is my rollmodel and i love her

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آخر خبر عن ديمي
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